Michele Noble
Mixed media
I love learning new methods of working. From 1970 – 1993 I worked mainly in Collage and Enamel. During my MA studies 1973 -75, I began using mixed media and work became more abstract, looking at themes like erosion and change. I work in series to explore subject matter and often there is an underlying theme of memento mori. In 2013, moving to a more urban environment I discovered Wabi Sabi, the Japanese philosophy of accepting nothing stays the same and finding beauty in the imperfect. Subjects from world events from fake news, to covid crept into my subject matter in the pastel and collage images I made last year.
I am presently working on the theme of borders between sky, land, and water. I am seeking to explore the Humber from Hessle near the Humber Bridge, where I live and the landscape and industries along its banks to Spurn Point and the seashore villages and towns along the eroding coast. Recording my present location seems important in the light of climate change at risk from flooding and coastal erosion. Changing industries chart its history from the prehistoric to present times. wartime defences still exist in the fortresses in the Humber itself and the remains of tank traps at spurn Point. I hope to explore it all in relevant media and present it in such a way it becomes a journey. It will probably be the last project in my artistic life but presents me with an exciting challenge. I will certainly never be bored!
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